Friday 12 December 2008

Fuller's Brewer's Reserve

Tasting notes as promised!

This is a very limited release and we are extremly pleased to have got our hands on a bottle the beer is a blend of 1845, golden pride and fresh ESB, it has been aged in thirty year old whisky barrels for 500 days, so we are expecting somthing special!

The beer poors a deep amber colour with a redish hue with a thin off white head that dissipates quickly. The nose presents figgy fruits with a hint of sweet whisky followed by a complex musty sourness. The 500 days oak ageing is very apparent, notes of wood and vannila are also pronounced in the smell. On to the taste! The beer has a deep sweetness balanced by supberb hoppy bitterness. Predominant flavours are orange peel, bitter marmalade (presumably from the ESB) , whiskey, oak and vanilla with some dark fig and plum fruits notes. As it warms we get a more prounounced whisky flavour, this is truely a brew to to sipped and savoured espeicaly at the steep price tag (£5.50!)

At 7.7% the beer is actually quite drinkable, this being due to it being a fantastically balanced blend. It is very complex, with lots of complex subtleties in the mouth and nose, if you can find some definitely invest in one, this is truly something else, a fantastic beer! Puts the well known oak aged Scottish beer, Innis and Gunn, to shame!


Good Burp said...

I want that Fuller's so bad. I have looked at every beer store I know of. But I can't find it anywhere.
I am so jealous you got to try it. I am ready to pay you to send me one.

Good Burp said...

90 Minute IPA from the amazing brewery, Dogfish Head. I can do that for you.